We are haunted by the blood of our ancestors. The angry spirits of our gods. I travelled several heavens 'til I was forced into this dank part where the sun never shines. I was born by the river bank in the presence of the celestial spirits of our ancestors while the older women laboured over my mother in the middle of the cloudless night. I remember, now like then, it was dark... eerily dark I started crying. The jetty was dead quiet except for the crackling of weak fire and frogs croaking for their lovers. This place I was told was so named for the abomination it is - THE LAND OF THE WITCHES. Thirty-six they were in their coven; they represented the thirty six clans in our village. For any visitor, one might see an almost disintegrated wooden sign post perched at a corner on the mouth of the riverine settlement. The sign read in an ominously whimsical handwriting - BEWARE! THE WICKEDNESS OF THE LAND. In the village, you might catch a hazy glimpse of a tragic wonder - ...