by Upp G
Big up to Upp G, my good friend friend. I call him misfit and outlaw at times not literally of course but for his rare out-of-box quality thoughts. I present to y'all this poem...high cerebral. Can you tell what the author is feeling?

The body is under siege,
The head knows this.
The body is about to crumble
The head yet knows this.
The body is burning;
In flames of anguish,
One hair aft the other,
A gram of skin aft the other
The head knows this yet stays aloof.
The body is falling apart hope by hope,
Finger by finger;
Tooth by tooth,
The indifferent head yet stays;

How many more?

How many more fingers need t' be crushed?
How many more hairs need t' be burnt?
How much more throe does the body;
Need t’ undergo?
How much more till the mumchant vociferations of the body are paid any heed?
How many more till the recrudesces;
And save its dying body from a sore pass?

How many more?

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