Once upon a time
There was indeed a country
where all were once free
Now all long to be free.
There is indeed a country
the underworkings of masterminders and thespian Emeriti -
a people highly elevated to god-like status
whose powers are highlighted
only by the effect of their darksome intentions
the craftiness of their hands
the wittiness of their nature
and the uncanniness of their minds.
there is a country created
like the raised stage of a theatre
On this stage -
a drama is ongoing
it is built to last till end of the world
On this stage -
illusion meets reality
and there are rose lines that separate the two worlds
there is a country indeed
a place where the thespians are performing
where the spectators sit back to watch in awe
everyone believes it's a great play
no one knows the end except
the masterminders underworking in silhouettes
behind the scenes.
This screenplay is -
like a blood curdling horror movie
though it is seen as a 'play'
yet all is acted with 'real' horror intention
people will die
be ripped apart by wild animals in this theatre
knocked down by the fasting moving shrapnels
and ultimately the mallet of law
there will be injustice and corruption
all but the machinations of evil will be censored
In short, it will be so unreal and surreal
with all elements of imagination allowed to play free by itself.
'Problem is -
while the thespians have been training all their professional lives
culminating in the roles thier directors chose for them
only the spectators remain ignorant bystanders
called in occasionally to the emergency situation soon created by the masterminders
the spectators -
they have no inkling as to their new roles
the roles of being the 'bereft'
'the killed'
they are unprepared for what meets them
as the scene unfolds
In the end if ever the end comes in view
Both the yesterday performers and their watchers become ensembled into this dangerous drama
no one cares if there were willing or not
there will be no such thing as passive or active
only players
it wouldn't matter whether some were small players or big ones
it would only be a great cast.
In this drama, only one vantage point is likely
a scene without actors, directors and spectators
only the carnage brought in the aftermath of the drama would remain
to tell the truth...

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