THE MYSTERY ELEMENT (a poem about fathers)

Do you know any element?
who's glorious nature is both glorious yet hidden
it is in no particular class-
nothing comes close
like a priceless ornament so pure,
its relative abundance is in the lowest margin
it is the only second conjugate,
the only one important as the portal of the humankind,
from the timeless universes
the papi of nations he is called -
Such element is strange sometimes for our puerile minds to fathom
yet it is constructed in the most enduring awesome way
it is a didactic story -
a torch we bear through the dark days of lives.
Father is the origin ;
the metallic strength of the human race.

the element is the rarest kind of gemstone -
in the earth of greatest life's inevitables.
let us follow the fathers
in our nucleus;
our clans, communities and nation
the star of the fathers is incomparable to any in the entire universe
they are the blueprint of life translated in us all
the positive other side
the good-fit that gives the world its meaning.
do you know that fathers are not men?
fathers are eternal, their presence atmospheric
we feel assured
we can resign our hearts to safety through life's walk.
fathers are immortal beings
protecting us from ourselves and the rest of the universe
like martyrs
they are born to live asides themselves.
Your teachings are punitive yet
enduring, encouraging, respectful, pensive in a life-giving way.
your wisdom is the flintstone that hews our destinies
father lead nations to eternal restful tomorrow
they are the symbol of survival of the human species
A spear of hope
the cusp of bravery and youth ruddiness
like the superheroes of our childhood dreams
you are energetic
the shining armour among men
you are father -
the mystery element.
Do you know any element?
who's glorious nature is both glorious yet hidden
it is in no particular class-
nothing comes close
like a priceless ornament so pure,
its relative abundance is in the lowest margin
it is the only second conjugate,
the only one important as the portal of the humankind,
from the timeless universes
the papi of nations he is called -
Such element is strange sometimes for our puerile minds to fathom
yet it is constructed in the most enduring awesome way
it is a didactic story -
a torch we bear through the dark days of lives.
Father is the origin ;
the metallic strength of the human race.
the element is the rarest kind of gemstone -
in the earth of greatest life's inevitables.
let us follow the fathers
in our nucleus;
our clans, communities and nation
the star of the fathers is incomparable to any in the entire universe
they are the blueprint of life translated in us all
the positive other side
the good-fit that gives the world its meaning.
do you know that fathers are not men?
fathers are eternal, their presence atmospheric
we feel assured
we can resign our hearts to safety through life's walk.
fathers are immortal beings
protecting us from ourselves and the rest of the universe
like martyrs
they are born to live asides themselves.
Your teachings are punitive yet
enduring, encouraging, respectful, pensive in a life-giving way.
your wisdom is the flintstone that hews our destinies
father lead nations to eternal restful tomorrow
they are the symbol of survival of the human species
A spear of hope
the cusp of bravery and youth ruddiness
like the superheroes of our childhood dreams
you are energetic
the shining armour among men
you are father -
the mystery element.